Saturday, February 24, 2007
Clove and Turmeric as Natural Healing Agents
Natural Healing
Glove and Turmeric
First, we talk about Clove

This beautifully fragrant spice won't just enhance your desserts and meals; it has been commonly used as an antispectic and anesthetic, relieving pain. It is a very effective treatment for toothaches, gum trouble and ulcers. Just cursh some cloves and swab the painful ulcrated areas.
In Chinese medicine, cloves can also lift you from low energy, claims Karen. Just mix 1/3 teaspoon of clove seed, coriander seed and cumin in warm water.
Next, we talk about Turmeric

The University of Maryland Medical Centre talks about Turmeric being traditionally used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive disorders and liver problems, and for treating skin diseases and wounds.
Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin. In animal testing it has been shown to help in the breakdown of fats by increasing bile flow. Germany's commision E, which determines what herbs can be safely prescribed, has approved it for dgestive conditions. Turmeric also reduces stomach acids soothing stomach gastric inflammations and stress-related stomach ulcers.
Turmeric also protects the liver from harmful substances by helping it to clear toxins, as indicated from animal testing. Some of these damaging chemicals include carbon tetrachlorine and acetominphen, and common paracetamol. Over use of paracetemol can cause liver damage.
Turmeric can also heal skin ailments. It has traditionally been praised in India for its effectiveness in cleaning acne, skin scarring and evening out skin pigmentation.
Turmeric Scar & Acne Remedy
Grind a teaspoon of fresh turmeric with 1/2 cup of yoghurt and a few drops of lemon. Apply to face. Leave on till mixture dries. Wash off with cold milk to clean away yellow colouration.
Turmeric Scrub
This body scrub can leave skin feeling soft, smooth and rejuvenated. Mix a little turmeric powder with chickpea flour and some yoghurt to make a paste and use as scrub. A good quality turmeric should not leave yellow stains. If skin is slightly yellow, cleanse with cold milk or cleansing milk.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Yeast Infection
About Yeast Infection
What is a Yeast Infection?
This overgrowth of candida yeast in the vagina is known as a vaginal yeast infection. Candida yeast is usually kept in balance by the acidic environment inside of your vagina.However, sometimes this acidic environment can become out of balance, causing the candida fungus to grow rapidly.Yeast infections are caused by a naturally occurring fungus, known as Candida albicans.More than 75% of women experience at least one yeast infection at some point in their lives.This fungus is found in small amounts inside of your vagina, as well as in your mouth and digestive tract.
What Causes a Yeast Infection?
Factors affecting the balance of the candida yeast in your vagina include:
* pregnancy
* having your menstrual period
* using the birth control pill
* taking antibiotics (particularly tetracycline)
* having HIV/AIDs
The candida yeast can also grow quickly in moist and warm environments.For this reason, wearing tight clothing, damp bathing suits, or frequent douching can also lead to a vaginal yeast infection.There are a number of possible reasons why the candida yeast may start to overgrow.
What are the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection?
Yeast infection symptoms can range from mild to severe, but typically include:
* itching around the vagina
* redness and irritation of the labia (the skin surrounding the vagina)
* pain during sexual intercourse
* burning during urination
* thick, white discharge from the vagina (often resembling cottage cheese)
Complications of Yeast Infection
It is possible to develop chronic yeast infections, however, this is typically due to the use of ineffective treatment.In newborns, these infections typically take the form of thrush, an oral candida infection that causes white bumps to appear all over the mouth.Pregnant women who have a yeast infection during labour and delivery, can pass their infection on to their child.Yeast infections are rarely serious and normally cause no additional health complications.
Male Yeast Infections
This type of yeast infection is known as bulanitis, and is caused by the same candida organism responsible for causing vaginal yeast infections.Though rare, it is possible to spread your yeast infection on to your sexual partner.If your partner is experiencing any yeast infection symptoms, make sure that they visit their health care provider for treatment.Even men can get yeast infections that attack the tip of the penis.
Diagnosing a Yeast Infection
Your health care provider will likely perform a pelvic exam, in order to rule out other possible infections, including trichomoniasis and other STDs that can produce similar symptoms.Your healthcare provider will than take a swab of your vaginal discharge and analyze this swab under a slide.Diagnosis of a candida yeast infection is typically straightforward.It is generally recommended that women experiencing symptoms of a possible yeast infection visit with their health care providers.Your health care provider can perform a number of tests in order to ensure that you are indeed suffering from a yeast infection.The presence of the candida yeast will be visible under a microscope.This will allow you to receive proper treatment.
Treatment of Yeast Infections
Symptoms, including itching, typically disappear within the first few days of treatment.
Typical treatments include:
* vaginal creams
* vaginal suppositories (inserted with an applicator)
* oral medications
Depending upon the type of medication you decide to use, you may have to continue the treatment for between three and seven days.Yeast infection treatment is highly effective and can help to eliminate your symptoms and the infection within a few days.If you have already had a yeast infection, and are familiar with the symptoms, you may want to try an over-the-counter treatment from your local pharmacy.If this is your first infection, or if you are pregnant or experiencing other health related problems, it is generally recommended that you ask your healthcare provider for a prescription treatment.
Preventing Yeast Infections
There are a few things that you can do to help prevent future yeast infections:
* Try not to wear tight clothing or synthetic fabrics. These trap moisture close to your body and can lead to an infection.
* Remove damp clothes and bathing suits promptly.
* Avoid douching or using scented feminine hygiene products.
* Avoid taking too many bubble baths or using harsh soaps. Instead, stick to mild, hypoallergenic products.