Sunday, March 11, 2007
Eating ice cream may help with ovulation
If you are trying to get pregnant and have ovulatory problems,
eating low-fat dairy products may add to your problems. Women who choose low-fat dairy products are 85 per cent more likely to have ovulation problems, according to a new study by Harvard researchers.In contrast, the human reproduction study found eating full-fat dairy foods, including ice cream, cut the risk of this type of infertility. When women eating two or more portions of full-fat dairy produce, such as whole milk or ice cream, were compared with those eating one or fewer, they had a 27 per cent lower risk of infertility due to lack of ovulation.
Dr Jorge Chavarro, who led the project, said that the link needed further investigation. However, other scientists say that the only compelling evidence of a link between diet and infertility involves obesity, which is linked to a significant reduction in the chances of conception.
Dr Richard Fleming, from the Glasgow Centre for Human Reproduction, pointed out that women reporting a low-fat “healthy” diet might be those already aware of fertility issues and trying to improve their chances.
He pointed out women with ovulatory failure make up a relatively small proportion of cases of female infertility.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Natural Cure for Asthma
Asthma: Try the Natural Remedies
There are many medications that are used to control asthma-related symptoms and outbreaks. These prescription medications are well researched and very effective; however some individuals prefer to use natural asthma remedies to control their symptoms. Natural asthma remedies can work very well for some individuals, usually those with mild to moderate asthma conditions. Even when using natural asthma remedies, be sure to check with your doctor to ensure that there will be no complications or problems with existing medications. In addition, be sure to keep short-term or emergency inhalers available at all times in the case of a serious asthma attack.
Some of the most common natural asthma remedies include:
* Fish oil products – used as anti-inflammatories. These may be taken in liquid or capsule form. Be careful if you have any known food allergies, as fish oil may cause significant and severe reactions.
* Magnesium supplements – magnesium works with the muscles in the body to increase relaxation and prevent tightening of the muscles around the air passageways.
* Antioxidants – these may include green tea supplements, Vitamin E and selenium and other products that are designed to minimize the free radicals in the human system. Free radicals are often the cause of colds, coughs and other respiratory problems that can increase the irritation of the respiratory system.
* Chamomile, rosemary, spearmint, thyme and cloves contain many antioxidants and also work to increase the relaxation of muscles, as well as induce sleep. Some mixtures of the various herbs are available in health food stores in the forms of teas or powders and capsules.
* Ginseng and licorice, among other herbs, are often used in Asia as a treatment for asthma and may be found at health food stores. Generally these treatments work most effectively when taken consistently and for long periods of time.
Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet and decreasing both high-fat and high-sugar items also may be part of a process of natural asthma remedies. Controlling highly processed and chemical-laden foods may eliminate any simultaneously occurring food allergies that may be increasing the severity of your asthma conditions. Avoid foods that are made with white flour and try to choose whole grain alternatives. Whole-wheat pastas, breads and even dinner rolls are a wonderful alternative to the highly processed white breads usually consumed in Western diets.
Avoiding any type of smoke, either first or second hand, and trying to stay away from environmental pollutants such as car exhausts and burning fireplaces is also important. Finally, taking a good, high-quality multivitamin supplement every day is another one of the factors that contributes to the success of natural asthma remedies.