Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Heart Rate Monitor
Heart Rate Monitor Gadget for Run
Runners used gizmos to help him run better. One of the item is the heart rate monitor.Running is a hi-tech sport.
Mr Murugiah Rameshon, 41, is a marathoner, he holds the SEA Games national record since 1995.
'I'm strongly for the use of technology,' says Mr Rameshon, who is introducing the use of heart rate monitors into the training programme of Hwa Chong distance runners next year.
'It allows you to gauge your fitness, your recovery, and most importantly the intensity of your exercise.'(from Digital Life, 5 Dec 06)
Heart rate monitors
It helps a lot if you are able to monitor your heart rate as you run, which gives an accurate measurement of the intensity of your exercise,' says Mr Rameshon.
'With that information, you can adjust your workout and get the most out of your running time.'
Top choice: the Polar F11, a top-grade, feature-loaded heart rate monitor. Apart from measuring your heart rate, it acts as a stopwatch, fitness diary and creates a tailored cardio workout program and guides you through it. It even has a compass (useful if you are the kind who can lose your way running on a treadmill).

Heart Rate Monitor, provided by Digital Life