Sunday, January 28, 2007
Spice Remedies

Natural Healing with Spices
Spicy Remedies From Coriander
Coriander in leaf or seed form is great to arrest indigestion, flatulence and bloating. In India, the leaves cool down the stomach that has had too much spices. It also clears your system of intestinal gas and bloating. Have lots of coriander leaf with your meal to prevent indigestion or immediately as soon as indigestion occurs. The leaves can also revive a lost appetite.
As a Rash Remedy,Dr Annermarie Colbin also recommends that the crushed leaves be applied on skin to sooth rashes from allergy and internally drinking some seed tea.(2 tsp coriander seed sleeped in 1 cup boiling water for 7 minutes).
As a Heavy-Metal Detoxifier,the latest researchalso indicates that coriander binds well with heavy metals such as mercury and lead so we can detoxify these metals more effectively. Many of us ingest mercury through leaks in our silver fillings and from some seafood.
Coriander Throat Soother
This traditional Indian remedy has been used for generations for sore throats and coughs. An Indian friend shared this family recipe with Keren,
1 tbs coriander seeds
1 cup boiling water, honey to taste
Gently roast the coriander seeds in a pan over low heat till aromatic. Add boiling water. Let it sleep and cool to a warm temperature. Add honey, then drink up!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Fruit Remedies from Papaya
Tip on Natural Healing

Papaya, Tropical Medecine Tree
Karen can't stop gushing about the uses of papaya, "If I were to recommend the King of Fruits it would be the papaya!" say Karen, from its many healthful properties. "Did you know the seed are a wormicide?" Papaya is a great detoxifier. Ever so often it is beneficial to flush our body system of parasites and she recommends a teaspoon of its peppery tasting seeds once a week. It helps to get rid of treadworms and stomach fluke.
And if you have digestive conditions, papaya is increasingly marketed as a supplement to support digestion, especially of protein. It is full of a digestive enzyme. The greener the fruit is the more papain it contains.
Papaya Mask and Wrap
Karen says that if you want wonderful skin treatment, just mash papaya for a lustrous all-natural face mask. It is full of pectin and will give your skin a natural face lift.
If you have been to Indonesia you might still get a chance to eat the leaves; boiled leaf is available in many traditional cooked food eateries. It tastes bitter but is a good antiseptic and preventive remedy for malaria.
Yummy Papaya Dessert
Eating Papaya Dessert is delicious and it is also a way to get your weekly dose of papaya seeds.
1 Large ripe papaya
2 tbs rosted almonds (and chipped)
2 tbs of seeds (chopped)
250 mls coconut cream
A lump of black coconut Rock Sugar for tipping
Halve a papaya. Spoon out the flesh and save in a bowl. Also save required amount of seeds. Save the skin of the two halves for serving later. Chop papaya seeds and almod seeds. Mix the flesh, seeds and nuts with the coconut cream. Fill the papayta skins with the mixture and top with grated coconut rock sugar.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Drinking Tea Can Affect Your Heart ?
Cardiovascular / Cardiology News
Catharine Paddock wrote :
Taking Tea Without Milk Could Be Better For Your Heart
A surprising study by German scientists has revealed that adding milk to tea stops its ability to dilate blood vessels and give antioxidant benefits, two protective factors for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
The study is published online in the European Heart Journal and was conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Berlin's Charité Hospital.
The small research study was conducted on 16 healthy women volunteers who drank half a litre of black tea with and without skimmed milk, or just hot water as a control. Before and after drinking their tea or water, the women were examined by ultrasound to measure the dilation of an artery in their arm.
The results showed that the "flow mediated dilation" (FMD) of the artery was significantly improved by black tea, but this effect was completely "blunted" by the additon of milk.
The researchers then explored the impact of milk proteins on the aortas of rats. They found that black tea caused the rat aortas to relax and also stimulated the production of nitric oxide that makes this happen. However, with milk neither of these things happened, and they suggest that the caseins (types of milk protein) were combining with tea catechins (antioxidants that comprise about a quarter of the dry weight of tea) to prevent them from stimulating the nitric oxide production.
Previous studies have shown that tea protects against cardiovascular disease, but nobody had investigated the effect of adding milk to the drink. Scientists have been puzzled about the fact that the UK, a high tea-consuming nation, does not report the extent of health benefits of other tea drinking populations. This could be because most tea in the UK is drunk with milk, the researchers say.
The researchers are not suggesting that people who have milk in their tea suddenly switch to black tea, but they do recommend now and again that if you are used to having it with milk, then have it occasionally without milk because you could increase the benefit to your heart.
The UK drinks 165 million cups of tea a day, which is equivalent to an average of 3 cups per person. Tea is consumed on a regular basis by 70 per cent of the population.
"Addition of milk prevents vascular protective effects of tea."
Mario Lorenz, Nicoline Jochmann, Amélie von Krosigk, Peter Martus, Gert Baumann, Karl Stangl and Verena Stangl.
European Heart Journal, doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehl442
Friday, January 05, 2007
Natural Healing Agents
Natural Healing - Guava

"The Malays believe guava helps with dengue fever to purify your blood.They believe in drinking guava juice.That helps to keep the parasites out of your blood so that the blood platelets do not drop and so there is a lower chance of getting malaria," explains Anwari. Our Malay friends have science supporting them on this. Current scientific studies indeed show that guava has anti-malarial action. The juice and especially tea from the leaves kills many nasty pathogens such as baterial, fungi, yeast and amoebas.It even stops diarrhea resulting from these microscopic pests. Guava juice is particularly safe for infants with diarrhea.
Thais have a fondness for guava too becasue of its purported benefits with diabetes. Again, studies confirm this and more. Guava has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar, decrease general cholesterol levels (high density lipoprotein). It aslo has heart protective qualities. Tests on rats show that guava leaf or juice does not have any toxic effects.