Friday, January 05, 2007
Natural Healing Agents
Natural Healing - Guava

"The Malays believe guava helps with dengue fever to purify your blood.They believe in drinking guava juice.That helps to keep the parasites out of your blood so that the blood platelets do not drop and so there is a lower chance of getting malaria," explains Anwari. Our Malay friends have science supporting them on this. Current scientific studies indeed show that guava has anti-malarial action. The juice and especially tea from the leaves kills many nasty pathogens such as baterial, fungi, yeast and amoebas.It even stops diarrhea resulting from these microscopic pests. Guava juice is particularly safe for infants with diarrhea.
Thais have a fondness for guava too becasue of its purported benefits with diabetes. Again, studies confirm this and more. Guava has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar, decrease general cholesterol levels (high density lipoprotein). It aslo has heart protective qualities. Tests on rats show that guava leaf or juice does not have any toxic effects.