Thursday, April 12, 2007
Fat Counters Vitamin C Benefits
The fact on vitamin C caught my attention. To my suprise, the finding on Fat Counter Vitamin C Benefits make me think about the proper oral intake of the vitamin c. This is an news article from BBC News, and it was published in Singapore Straits Times on 11 April 07. I think it is a very helpful article.
Do not let what you eat do not counter the benefits of vitamin c
In laboratory experiments, a team at the University of Glasgow simulated what happens in the human stomach.
They found vitamin C (ascorbic acid) mopped up potential cancer-causing compounds that are made when saliva and food mixes with stomach acid.
But when they added fat to the mix, the ascorbic acid could no longer convert the hazardous compounds into safe ones.
The scientists say their findings show how diet might be linked to certain stomach cancers.
Lead author Emilie Combet said: 'These results show that the presence of lipid can markedly alter the protective effects of antioxidants, and how a diet rich in fat can directly influence gastric biochemistry.'
She presented her work at the annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology.
Nutrition scientist Bridget Aisbitt, for the British Nutrition Foundation, said: 'Cancer is a complex disease developed over many years due to a number of genetic and environmental factors, so it's important not to imply that any one factor can 'cause cancer'.
'However, this research is interesting.'
She advised: 'This is another reason to underline the importance of a healthy balanced diet where meals high in fat should not be frequent and five portions of fruit and vegetables - our main source of vitamin C - are eaten each day.'
Labels: fact on vitamin c, natural vitamin c, vitamin c and cancer, vitamin c deficiency, vitamin c side effect