Monday, June 18, 2007
7 Tips on How to Make Regular Exercise Permanent
Many a time, we make a New Year’s resolution to start on an exercise programme. We view that exercise is important and it is definitely important. Then we signed up for a two-year gym membership. Before we can start or embark on our dream, work piles up and eventually we find it that time is not on our side to fulfil our dream.
Why are people not sticking to their exercise programmes? You make this resolution on regular exercise, it is a common resolution that many people make, and also the most common resolution they fail to see through.
What can be done? You want to make this resolution permanent? The following 7 tips might just be the solution you are looking for.
Our mindset needs to be changed. We have to eliminate all those excuses for not exercise regularly. Imagine yourself that benefited from regular exercise. See yourself as a fit and healthy person, who get thing done efficiently and with less time. You don’t feel like sleepy as your quality of sleep improves. Fitness gurus will tell you that regular exercise actually saves you time as it makes your more energetic and efficient. There is nothing you can do for 30 to 40 minutes a day that gives you more benefits and time. It is endless……..
If you are better prepared, your success rate will be higher. Get rid of the barrier to regular exercise, be motivated and ready to kick-start your exercise programme. Make it a point to exercise daily; this is your daily activity, without fail. Have a plan, and plan to succeed.
This is important. Goal setting has to be specific and realistic. Put it down in writing. Make long and short term goals. The short-term goals will compliment your long-term goals. Then breakdown your annual goals into 12 bite-sized monthly objective and schedule them into your weekly and daily activities. Some simple mathematic will get you there.
Make your scheduled fitness as a fun activity. Go with those activity you enjoy doing. Learn new skill to incorporate a total package fitness activity. By learning new skill, it will be invaluable to your self-esteem. This will keep you motivated.
In order to maintain your interest and be motivated, constantly learn and update yourself on knowledge pertaining to health and fitness.
When you are in and going for a few months, you will find that it is not that physically and physiologically straining to stick to the programme anymore. At time you are still prone to relapses, especially work and relationship stress come-in, these might affect your programme. Take it positively that exercise is a terrific and healthy way to relieve stress. You will feel nice and be surprised how much better you feel after a long jog in the cool evening. This will keep you less tempted to opt for alternative ways of coping with stress.
Be focus! Do not be distracted from your exercise routine. Along the way, you bound to stop exercise for a while due to some personal matters, which should not discourage you from continuing the routine. Focus on how a healthy lifestyle has improved your life. Eventually, the benefits of exercise will become internalized and regular exercise will become ‘rule’ controlled rather than ‘decision’ controlled. You no longer ‘decide’ to exercise, you just do it!
Labels: tips on how to make regular exercise permanent