Monday, June 25, 2007
Flower of TienChi
Flower of TienChi. A precious and well-know herbal medicine indigenous to guang xi.
Flower of TienChi can prevent, alleviate or cure the following deseases:
1. Facial pimples of puberty, boils blisters around mouth, etc
2. Dizzinessm nausea, vomiting, head-ache, insomniam, emotional inquietude, etc
3. Heat on the palms, temperamental, grinding of the teeth during sleep etc., whcih are caused by biliousness of the liver
Thrown about 3 to 5 dry TienChi flowers into a poceline cup add in hot water. Cover the cup and left for about 5mins before drinking.
Labels: facial pimples, Flower of TienChi, head-ache