Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Diet Foods
7 Best Anti-Cancer Foods
Say no to cancer by boosting levels of superfoods in your diet. Shefali Srinivas reports (Straits Times Interactive, 29 Nov 2006)
What you eat or do not eat can protect you against cancer.
According to the British Medical Journal, diet is one of the most important lifestyle factors and has been estimated to account for up to 80 per cent of cancers of the large bowel, breast and prostate.
Researchers have suggested that 35 out of every 100 cancer cases might be prevented if people simply altered their diets.
While studying the effect of diets on cancer is a complicated process, a large-scale study has been doing just that since 1992.
The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) will be producing reports on diets and cancer over the next two decades.
Here's evidence to support the idea that eating your fruits and vegetables may be a good form of health insurance:

Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant (which protects against cell damage from free radicals) and antihistamine (which is given to reduce allergies).
And research shows it may also prevent cancer, especially of the prostate.
A combination of quercetin along with curcumin - the pigment in turmeric - has been shown to reduce the number of pre-cancerous growths in the intestinal tracts of people prone to such growths. Apples and spinach are also good sources of quercetin.

They do not merely spice up food. The peppery hot stuff can induce cancer cells to commit suicide - a process scientists call aptosis or cell death. Normal cells are programmed to self-destruct while cancer cells are not.
Researchers in California reported in March that capsaicin, the stuff that gives chilli peppers their zing, can shrink prostate cancer cells. The hot pepper component also reduced cancer cell production of PSA, a protein that is often produced in high quantities by prostate tumours.
Jalapenos and other chilli peppers are good sources of capsaicin, proof that healthy food need not be bland.

Diets high in fruit and vegetables that are rich in beta carotene have been shown to potentially reduce the incidence of cancers.
It is best to consume naturally occurring carotenoids from foods rather than supplements.

This is because they contain a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals that may work synergistically to stave off cancer.
Good examples are broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, arugula, horse radish, wasabi and watercress.

They are also very good sources of vitamin C, so starting your day with a handful of juicy berries could be a good insurance policy against cancer.

Researchers also suggest waiting for at least 15 minutes after you peel garlic before you cook it.
According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States, 28 out of 37 studies with allyl sulfur compounds showed that they had some cancer preventive effect. The evidence is particularly strong for a link between garlic and prevention of prostate and stomach cancers.

According to University of Chicago scientists, curcumin inhibits a bacterium called H. Pylori which is associated with gastric and colon cancer.
The fresh turmeric root and its dried and powdered form are an integral part of South Asian cooking and studies show that levels of colorectal cancer are low in India and Sri Lanka.
Various studies have reported that curcumin reduces the number and size of existing tumours, and decreases the incidence of new tumour formation.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sport Nutrition
Sport Nutrition
Make Gains In Your Sport

Try some food for a trial basis and pay attention to your body and performance, finding the right nutrition for your body can be a slow process. Try some variety in your sport nutrition to avoid getting burnt out of eating the same old foods everyday. While most of the effects of long hard workouts are positive, prolonged exercise results in breaking down of the bodies muscles if the proper nutrition is not consumed. Try some nutrition supplements for healthy joints when you will be involved in a sport that requires a lot of repetitive joint movements.
Click on the title or Click Here (Sport Nutrition) to read more...
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Fruits Baskets
Healthy Diet
Today I decided to take a healthy diet meal. I take fruits baskets (variety) of fruits as my lunch. These are the following fruits :
Carrot, Star Fruit, Guava and Pineapple

Carrot is a good source for Vitamin A and C, while Star fruit is low in calories.

The guava is rich in vitamins A, B, and C, as well as beta carotene.
Pineapple is low in calories, rich in manganese, also rich in C and B1/B6. It is has a little of copper and dietary fiber. Overall, pineapple is a rich vitamin source.

This is my healthy diet lunch which have weight loss effect. You can try this once a week and see the result for yourself. It also helps in digestion and detox.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Multi Vitamin Reviews
Multi Vitamin
Multivitamins/multiminerals contain multiple ingredients, as a result, these supplements are among those most likely to have quality problems. To select your most trusted multivitamins, this
Multi Vitamin Reviews
will provide you an insight of the different brand of Multi vitamins.Tuesday, November 21, 2006
10 Tips on Weight Loss & Diet
10 Tips to Help You, Loss Weight & Better Diet
* Healthy eating habits is the key to weight loss. Exercise alone do not help very much on weight loss.
* Schedule an exercise table and stick to the plan. List out the benefits of the exercise you do. For example,feeling healthier, sleeping better, preventing depression, feeling stronger, etc. Post this list somewhere that you will easily see it everyday so that it can serve as a reminder why you should workout.
* Do have a habit of eating breakfast everyday. Those who eat breakfast consume fewer total calories during the day then those that don't.
* Drink plain clean water because it is a non calorie drink or drink low-calorie drink.
* Do not complete a meal too fast.Complete it at least 20 minutes or more, this is how long it takes for your brain to recognize that your stomach is full.
* Make your meal taste so much better and therefore make you feel more satisfied by using a lot of spices and seasonings when cooking low-fat/low-calorie meals.
* Do you know that caffeine can decrease the burning of stored fat.Try to take less caffeine foods.
* You intake of water should be at least 64 ounces of water per day, plus an additional 16 ounces for every hour of moderate-intensity exercise.
* Each day fill a container(s) with your daily water supply so you'll always know how much you've drank and ensure you drink the required daily amount.
* Do not fill your stomach with too full during meal. 3/4 full help in digestion.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Fitness Ball
The Benefits of the Fitness Ball
The ball (commonly known as stability ball, fitness ball, Swiss ball, physio ball, etc) was used as early as the 1960s. It originally was used by physical therapist to assist with rehabilitation.
It is a very inexpensive piece of equipment that offers a total body workout while also improving your balance. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that can be used with the ball. And, both beginners and advanced exercises can benefit from it. Plus, children to seniors can use it.
Aerobics, Yoga and Pilates are widely practiced and for good reasons, as it provides a complete
body workout, burns calories and helps with weight loss. What else can you ask for? It is probably easiest to use fitness equipment that will target the stubborn areas such as the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
Fitness ball – this is one of the best fitness additions you can invest in; here is how it works to your benefit:
Abdomen, buttocks and thighs – these are areas that most women and some men as well have great difficulty perfecting with just plain exercise and at times, additional help is required.
Two Common Exercises
Usually all fitness balls come with instructions and a number of exercises as well; follow them step by step in order to get desired results. Here is a simple workout:
Abdominal sit-back

* Sit up tall on the ball with your feet resting on the floor, about hip-width apart. Keep your back straight and your head in alignment. Fold your arms across your chest so that your hands rest on the front of your opposite shoulders.
* Cough and hold to activate your transversus abdominis, then slowly lean backward until you feel your abdominal muscles kick in. Remember to keep breathing through the exercise.
* Hold this position for three deep breaths before returning to the start position.

* Lie on your back on the floor with your legs resting on top of the ball. Cough and hold to activate your transversus abdominis. Raise your hips and buttocks off the floor into a bridge (A).
* Hold this position for three deep breaths before returning to the start position. Besides your core muscles, you'll feel the muscles along your backside — the gluteals and hamstrings — contract to keep you in place.
* After you've mastered the bridge, challenge yourself and test your balance by raising first one leg and then the other a few inches off the ball (B).
Pictures and Fitness exercise by Courtesy :
Sunday, November 19, 2006
How to Make Healthy Omelet
1 egg
1 tablespoon hot water
1 salt spoon salt
Few grains of pepper
Method--Separate the white from the yoke of the egg and beat it until
stiff. Beat the yolk until thick and add the hot water and salt. Fold
the beaten white of the egg in and put into a buttered pan. Cook slowly
until puffed and brown.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wedding: bridal diet and fitness plan
Wedding: bridal diet and fitness plan
by Siobhan Pestano
Look and feel great on your wedding day with handbag's six-month plan
Six months to go
If you're planning to lose weight, you need to set realistic goals. Extreme regimes will simply deplete your body of vital vitamins during a period when you will be most in need of them. The simple fact is that consuming less calories than you expend in energy will result in weight loss, so give some thought to the sort of foods you plan to eat over the next six months, and how to fit exercise into your life regularly – at least 40 minutes, three times a week. Start with things that are easy to include, like walking, and schedule varied activies that you enjoy, like swimming or dancing, into your diary. Treat them like you'd treat any other appointment – honour them! This is your special time!
Lots of thought is given to bridal hairstyles and make-up, but this is only 'top dressing', and you'll want your hair and skin to shine through being in optimum condition from the inside out. Consider taking a combined daily supplement for hair, skin and nails. Kelp tablets are also excellent for strong, glossy hair, or you can use sheets of delicious toasted seaweed to make food wraps. Try to get into the habit of daily body brushing – this will not only make your skin incredibly silky, but stimulates circulation at the beginning and end of each day, encouraging toxins to leave the body.
Five months to go
If your mind is starting to feel frazzled by endless planning and juggling, ginkgo biloba keeps your thinking sharp by maintaining the blood flow to the brain. If you're just feeling generally fatigued, try Ginseng, or Co-enzyme Q10 - a powerful antioxidant which improves your body's energy production and helps speed up metabolism. An excellent way to energise your body through food is juicing – in seconds you can create delicious energy drinks that will be quickly absorbed into your body. Nothing you can buy off the shelf will be anywhere near as effect as fresh, home-made juices – but it's worth the minimal effort, your energy levels will rocket every time. And don't forget the best energiser and beautifier of them all – water!
Four months to go
Three months to go
Two months to go
One month to go
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Weight Loss Meal Replacement Supplements
What is Meal Replacement Supplements
As most Weight Loss Resources members know, to lose weight we need to take in fewer calories than our body needs. When this happens, we draw on our fat stores to provide us with the extra energy we require to function properly. In the long term, this means we lose fat – and as a result, the pounds drop off.
Quite simply, meal replacement products offer a way to help us control our calorie intake, without having to worry about counting them for two meals a day. Ultimately, most plans provide around 1,200-1,400 calories each day.
Which Meal Replacement Supplements I Take
I take NUTRILITE Positrim* Dutch Cocoa,NUTRILITE Positrim* Vanilla or NUTRILITE Positrim* Cafe Au Lait. I like Nutrilite Positrim first because of it 3 different favours. I especially like the Vanilla. My daughter like the Cafe and Cocoa.
Why Nutrilite Positrim Meal Replacement Supplements
* 14 packets/box. Coffee,Vanilla or Cocoa flavoured. A convenient and nutritious meal replacement choice for weight management.
* This is a nutritionally sound meal for weight control consisting of flavoured nonfat milk powder sweeteened with fructose that provides a healthful balance of carbohydrates, high-quality protein and fat.
* It contains 12 essential vitamins, 12 minerals, 7g protein, and 3g of dietary fibre per packet. Conveniently packaged in sealed sachets, it provides a quick breakfast or lunch, which is particularly important if you have to go to work or travel or in a hurry.
* Cutting calories often means cutting important nutrition. It is hard to get all the nutrition you need if you are skipping meals, eating smaller portions, or only particular foods. The Positrim Cafe Au Lait,Vanilla or Cocoa takes the guesswork out of eating right
* And its great taste makes controlling weight easier and more enjoyable
* Suggested Use : Add contents of packet into a 250ml glass of cold skimmed, whole or reconstituted powdered milk. Stir until completely dissolved.
We so many benefits from Nutrilite Meal Replacement Supplement, this is my first choice.

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Antioxidant Vitamins
What are antioxidant vitamins?
Much research has recently focused on how antioxidant vitamins may reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Antioxidant vitamins — E, C and beta carotene (a form of vitamin A) — have potential health-promoting properties. Though the data are incomplete, up to 30 percent of Americans are taking some form of antioxidant supplement.
(I use catch word, "ACE" to remember antioxidant vitamins)
AHA Scientific Position
The American Heart Association doesn't recommend using antioxidant vitamin supplements until more complete data are available. We continue to recommend that people eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods daily from all the basic food groups.
Eating a variety of foods low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol will provide a natural source of these vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol is important in the development
of fatty buildups in the arteries. This process, called atherosclerosis, can lead to heart
attacks and strokes. Until recently, it was thought that LDL cholesterol lipoprotein oxidation
and its biological effects could be prevented by using antioxidant supplements. However, more
recent clinical trials have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of antioxidant supplements.
Some studies even suggest that antioxidant supplement use could have harmful effects.
Using dietary supplements of antioxidants to prevent cardiovascular disease should not be
recommended until their effect is proved in clinical trials that directly test their impact on
CVD end points. Beneficial effects must be demonstrated in well designed (randomized,
placebo-controlled) clinical trials before recommending widespread use to prevent cardiovascular disease.
At this time, the scientific evidence supports a diet high in food sources of antioxidants and other heart-protecting nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts instead of antioxidant supplements to reduce risk of CVD.
-- AHA
Next post I will share which antioxidant suppliments I take.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Is Vitamin C good for the skin?
Is Vitamin C Good For the Skin?
Vitamin C protects the skin’s layers from damage caused by sun, smoke and aging. Older skin, in particular, may not get enough Vitamin C from the body’s internal blood supply. Topical application to areas which need antioxidant protection is a good alternative.
How does Vitamin C act as an antioxidant?
Visible signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and age spots are caused by molecules known as free radicals.
They dramatically multiply with exposure to sun, tobacco smoke, air pollution and other environmental assaults, damaging skin cells and breaking down collagen that gives skin its
Why is ordinary Vitamin C a poor choice?
Conventional vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is so unstable it oxidizes and becomes useless upon contact with water, heat and light. It degrades so rapidly that 90 percent of its potency is gone after the first month in a topical product. Ordinary Vitamin C goes right into the water component, where it doesn’t stand a chance against oxidation. Once degraded, it has no more vitamin potency, on or off the skin.
Which Vitamin C My Family Choice
We choose Nutrilite Brand, for it cutting edge technology and certified organic farming.

And also the following benefits:
-Each NUTRILOCK coated tablet gives you 250 mg of vitamin C (includes natural vitamin C from the exclusive NUTRILITE Acerola Cherry Concentrates; Lemon Bioflavonoids Complex from lemon peel and pulp extract; and PHYTONUTRIENTS* Plant Compounds.
-Vitamin C is water-soluble and must be replenished every day.
-Is a major antioxidant needed for combating free radicals
-Helps maintain healthy bones, teeth and gums.
-Aids in wound healing
The most important is that I don't get flu since the first day till now when I start taking Nutrilite Bio C+
My Skin and Complexion is improving everyday ! Thank to Nutrilite Bio C+
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Ten Most Harmful Health Gadgets
1. Exercise or Risk Your Favorite TV Shows
2. I See a Bright, White Light
3. The Absorbent Fart Cushion
4. Get Rid of Your Hubby’s Snores
5. A Treadmill Ride through the Park
6. The Scary Scalp Massager
7. The Bust-Tastic Enhancer
8. A Horse of a Different Color
9. Honey, I’m fertile!
10. Virtual Jump Roping
Click on the title to see the picture of the gadgets
Monday, November 06, 2006
Healthy Living - Personal Wellness
From Infancy to Elderly: Top 10 Ways to Maintain Your Brain
--By David Perlmutter, M.D., FACN
(ARA) - Time and again, studies have shown how important exercise, regular mental stimulation and balanced nutrition are to growing minds during childhood. In fact, scientists used to think all crucial development occurred between infancy and the teenage years. Current research,however, indicates that our brains continue to make new connections well into our senior years,and we now understand more than ever the value of nurturing our brains through every stage of our lives.
Babies, for example, are synaptic sponges. Each time you stimulate a baby's mind -- with singing, talking or even cuddling -- its busy little brain cells make another of the synaptic connections so critical to healthy development. As a child grows and
learns to walk, talk, read, do math and socialize, even more synapses, or connections, are made.
Amazingly, the same activities continue to build our brains as we age. People young and old can incorporate these 10 tips into their daily lives to help maintain better brain health and ensure peak performance:
1. Get mental exercise: Read. Write. Take up a new hobby.
Mentally stimulating activity strengthens brain cells and the connections between them, and may even create new cells.Children experience this almost constantly, but as we get older we need to deliberately challenge our brains. For example,don't just read a book; join a book club to discuss what you've read and share your experiences with others. Also, try a new hobby, like knitting or doing crossword puzzles.
2. Get physical exercise: It's about circulation.
Physical exercise oxygenates the blood, maintains good blood flow to the brain, and encourages the formation of new brain cells. If you can afford a gym membership or a personal trainer, then do so. Running or walking outside can also prove equally beneficial if you make it part of your daily routine.
3. Adopt a brain-healthy diet: Use your head while browsing the supermarket.
Shop the outer ring of your grocery store -- you'll find yourself buying fresh foods, fruits and vegetables, and eating a
more brain-healthy diet. A diet considered brain-healthy is one that reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes,encourages good blood flow to the brain and is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. Studies have shown that high intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol lead to a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease.
4. Incorporate DHA into your diet: Get to know the good fats in your life.
While it is often said that Americans consume too much fat, we actually aren't getting enough of the fats that are good for us. Adequate levels of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), the omega-3 fatty acid found in the brain, eyes and heart, is critical for optimal brain development and function in infants, and ongoing brain function in adults. DHA has also been associated with reducing the risk for Alzheimer's disease, dementia and age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness.Fatty fish is the primary dietary source of DHA, making it difficult for most people to get enough of this important brain nutrient from diet alone. (Experts recommend about 220 mg a day for adults). There is also concern about the Environmental
5. Be aware of toxins: Keep your bloodstream clean.
Avoid exposure to environmental toxins, including tobacco smoke and stress. It is also important to be mindful of the toxins that may be in the foods you eat. For example, certain fish may be extremely high in mercury, leading the U.S Food and Drug
Antioxidants help provide the body with tools to neutralize harmful free radicals, and are directly involved in the process by which the brain makes its energy. Good sources of antioxidants can be found in the produce, frozen fruit, vegetable and
whole grains sections of your supermarket.
7. Monitor your homocysteine level: Ask your doctor about the state of your mind.
Another area important to cognitive function is your homocysteine level. Homocysteine, found naturally in your blood, is an amino acid that can negatively affect your cognitive functioning if present in excessive amounts. Your physician can perform a simple test to determine your homocysteine level and recommend ways to lower it if necessary.
8. Prevent diabetes: Educate yourself about living a healthy lifestyle.
According to the Alzheimer's Association, there is overwhelming evidence linking high blood pressure and diabetes with dementia. Insulin resistance, high blood sugar and other unknown factors in people with diabetes lead to deposits in vessel walls that inhibit blood flow to the brain, heart and other parts of the body. The American Diabetes Association has found that 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity, coupled with a 5 to 10 percent reduction in body weight, resulted in a 58 percent reduction of type II diabetes.
9. Wear a helmet: Protect your head. It's the only one you've got.,br>It seems obvious, but too many people arrive in the hospital with irreversible brain injuries that could have been prevented if they had only worn a helmet. When participating in contact sports or riding a bike or motorcycle, always wear a helmet.
10. Seek out positive emotional experiences: Laughter is the best medicine.
Studies have shown that adults who lead stimulating lives -- are social, have lots of hobbies and laugh a lot -- develop more neurons, more connections between neurons and more efficiency in using their brain cells than those who lead sedentary lifestyles.
Courtesy of ARA Content
Sunday, November 05, 2006
The Correct Way of Eating Fruits to Weight Loss
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
What Men REALLY Think About Sex
Click on the Title to read more..